Ultimate Guide for Budget Traveler and Adventure Seeker

Are you planning a trip to Japan? One of the most delightful aspects of Japan is the warmth and hospitality extended to visitors. Even if yo...

Japan: Dos and Don'ts for a Seamless Travel Experience

Are you planning a trip to Japan? One of the most delightful aspects of Japan is the warmth and hospitality extended to visitors. Even if you're not familiar with every custom, Japanese locals are understanding and patient. Yet, familiarizing yourself with the basics of Japanese etiquette beforehand not only enhances your trip but also deepens your connection with the culture you're about to explore.

Dive deep into the cultural nuances with my  Japan Travel Guide to dos and don'ts, ensuring a memorable and respectful adventure. From savoring local delicacies to mastering chopsticks, here's your essential list:


Taste the local cuisine: Dive into the culinary delights of Japan and savor every bite.

Master the ways of the chopstick: Practice makes perfect when it comes to using chopsticks.

Hang on to your rubbish: Keep Japan's streets clean by properly disposing of your trash.

Know your way around the Escalator: Stand on the left, walk on the right – it's the unwritten rule.

Learn some useful Japanese phrases: A few words can go a long way in making connections with locals.

Learn the customs of bowing: Respectfully bowing is a sign of politeness and gratitude in Japan.

Purchase tickets to major attractions in advance: Skip the lines and save time by planning ahead.

Don't let the nudity hold you back from enjoying an onsen: Relax and rejuvenate in Japan's soothing hot springs.

Slurp to your heart's content: Embrace the tradition of slurping your noodles with gusto.


Don't walk while eating: Take a moment to enjoy your meal seated, as walking while eating is considered rude.

Don't count your change: Trust that you've been given the correct amount and refrain from counting your change in public.

Dont give tips. Even though there are some exceptions to the rule of not tipping in Japan, keep in mind that you never have to tip. 

Don't bombard the geishas and maiko for selfies for your gram: Respect their privacy and admire from a distance.

Don't blow your nose in public: Excuse yourself to a restroom if you need to blow your nose.

Be quiet on public transport: Keep noise to a minimum to respect other passengers' peace.

Take your shoes off indoors: Keep homes and traditional establishments clean by removing your shoes before entering.

Remember these dos and don'ts to ensure a smooth and respectful journey through Japan's enchanting culture. Enjoy your travels!